New Start

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Published on: 8-November 2010

Today has been an interesting day.  Started off with not getting up when I wanted to. Since the time change was on Sunday, my goal was to get up at the “Same” time and try to get some additional extercise in.  Oh well not today, we will try again tomorrow. During lunch today I went[…]

Philippians 4:13

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Published on: 1-November 2010

There are days that sometimes I wonder why I do certain job duties. I wonder if there might be a better person for the job. Then I remember that the Lord has placed me here for a reason. GOD I LOVE YOU!   Through you I can do all things. Please strengthen me. I can do[…]

I’m Back

Categories: Training, Update
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Published on: 12-October 2010

So after 3 weeks of I’m Back. I’m loosly following a strength and insanity workout plan.  monday was a Gym day focusing on upperbody. Today I am just about as sore as I have ever been. 1st day back into insanity and started with plyo

(no title)

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Published on: 7-September 2010

Max cardio cond. + insane abs. I still do not like having to do the beg. portion of Insane abs, run, jumps…..however I did it.Not able to make it all the way through the 45 sec sets but tried my best. Burned about 850 cal. for both workouts. On a lighter note, I had Moo[…]

Eyes on this finish line

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Published on: 5-September 2010

Ok so here is the deal.  I have been a complete slacker and have to repeat one more week.  However I now think I am back and In action.  New finish date is Sep. 19, 2010. Today I did a random video which turned out to be one of my least favs, Max Interval Circuit.  The[…]

Max Recovery

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Published on: 19-August 2010

Well….I’m a little upset about today.The video was not downloaded from the network to my LT so I had to run the video from the CD 1/2 way through the program decided to crash on me and would not recover. As for the part that I did do.  I’m not a big fan of the[…]

Max Cardio Conditioning

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Published on: 18-August 2010

very interesting workout.  Much like pure cardio each of the moves are done only once so you can play mind games with yourself and try to push through each one of them ! On each of the squats on these I find that I need to focus on getting my butt down and getting my[…]

Max Interval Plyo

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Published on: 17-August 2010

This workout was really tough !  Pushed through but had to take many breaks.First Set1 leg v pushups – suck. Power Jumps – really hard and exhausting. Second Setlevel 3 drills !  THESE ARE THE WORST !!! I almost made it through the 1st round, LOLpower lunges/hop squats.  I find that these are really hard[…]

Max Day 1

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Published on: 16-August 2010

Pushed really hard on the Fit Test.  Was quite impressed with my results.My overall reps were not much if any more than the previous fit tests, however my heart rate was siginifiantly lower and I performed all the moves as they should be performed.  No bad form……Really happy with that. Now on to the max[…]

Last of the Recover

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Published on: 15-August 2010

I decided not to do my workout on Sat. or today in prep for the fit test and the 1st max workout.  Let’s hope this pays off !

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