
Categories: Running
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Published on: 26-December 2012

Just sitting here thinking.  Last year on December 26th I ran my 1st “Technical” ultra-marathon Boxing Day Madness with a crushing distance of 26.6 Miles! LOL  Well it may have been an ultra but it was a distance P.R. to me.  This was my 1st distance over 13 miles and I was going to pay for it.[…]

Little Christmas Day Trail Run

Categories: Running, Training
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Published on: 26-December 2012

Fantastic Christmas day run. 2 Guys 3 Dogs and the Trails of Jordan Lake. I Met with J imbo today for a little Jordan Lake – New Hope Overlook Blue Trail Run.  This trail features all the “Objects” that a trail runner should like.  Roots, massive leaf cover (Providing the “Hidden” Root feature), switch backs, ups,[…]


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Published on: 10-December 2012

YAY!  Back on the run.  After 2 weeks of absolutely no running it was nice getting back to it.  Nice easy 30 min on the treadmill.  Now stretch and Ice. Note: I have been diligently in the gym strength training.  We have added in a leg day which last week worried me a little bit.  On the 3rd set of leg[…]

Reindeer Fun Run – Race Report Guest Post & Guest Runner

Categories: Race Reports, Running
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Published on: 2-December 2012

December 1, 2012 Reindeer Fun Run Guest Post & Guest Runner Shawn Sheffield.   The Reindeer Fun Run in Aberdeen NC was probably my first and I am assuming everyone else’s first 12K race.  It was bitterly cold that morning leaving Sanford my thermometer was hovering around 38 degrees the whole way down to Aberdeen. […]

Derby 50K DNF / DNS Race Report

Categories: Race Reports, Running
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Published on: 24-November 2012

1st, please let me start this post out by saying that I am extremely blessed to be doing the things that I do.  I am, for the most part, a very healthy and active person.  Additionally I am even more blessed to have a very healthy, happy and supportive family!  Their health and well being is #1 priority.  Now[…]

GaDeathRaceOh no…

Categories: Running
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Published on: 20-November 2012

I’m pretty sure that I just sealed my fate!  I am now one of 127 people signed up for The Georgia Death Race …… Just the name itself brings questionably to the nature of this race! The Race: (Quoted From the Website) The Georgia Death Race is a point-to-point ultramarathon trail race in North Georgia. The race[…]


Categories: Running
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Published on: 16-November 2012

Well now the pre-race jitters have REALLY set in.  I have finished my packing and made sure my bed will fit in the back of the van.  As always I have managed to over pack again.  But hey, If I need it it should be there.  (Pics to follow soon). My stomach is in knots[…]

Pre-Race Jitters

Categories: Running, Update
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Published on: 15-November 2012

Well, today is Thursday and I’m only a day away from another running milestone.  This Saturday I will be participating in my first 24 Hour Ultra Event, Crooked Road 24.  This race is pushing me into the unknown and I’m really not sure to make of it.  From reading other’s race reports from last year[…]

Crooked Road 24 Hour Pre-Race Jitters

Categories: Running
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Published on: 15-November 2012

Well, today is Thursday and I’m only a day away from another running milestone.  This Saturday I will be participating in my first 24 Hour Ultra Event, Crooked Road 24.  This race is pushing me into the unknown and I’m really not sure to make of it.  From reading other’s race reports from last year[…]

Tribe Tuesday

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Published on: 10-October 2012

well it’s Tuesday and that means it’s Tribe Tuesday with the Brick City Running Tribe.  We had a decent showing tonight considering that the weather is starting to change.  Even though the days are getting shorter and the wind is starting to blow and the temps are dropping we still had at least 15 people show up and run distances between 2[…]

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Welcome , today is Saturday, 27-July 2024