Ice Day

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Published on: 12-January 2011

Ugh, being snowed in is one thing , but being Iced in is something TOTALLY different.  With Snow atleast you can get the kids out of the house and build snowmen, have snowball fights, make snow-angels and all sorts of other stuff. With ice, the only activitied you get is to try and find something to[…]

Eyes on this finish line

Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: 5-September 2010

Ok so here is the deal.  I have been a complete slacker and have to repeat one more week.  However I now think I am back and In action.  New finish date is Sep. 19, 2010. Today I did a random video which turned out to be one of my least favs, Max Interval Circuit.  The[…]

Max Recovery

Categories: Uncategorized
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 19-August 2010

Well….I’m a little upset about today.The video was not downloaded from the network to my LT so I had to run the video from the CD 1/2 way through the program decided to crash on me and would not recover. As for the part that I did do.  I’m not a big fan of the[…]

Protected: July 7, 2010

Published on: 8-July 2010

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