PT in the Morning

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Published on: 29-May 2012

Ahhh so here we are again at the begenning of the week which after a weekend of running calls for a morning of Physical Therapy.   To get started they put me on the treadmill for 5 min to get warmed up.  After that was all the little weird balance tasks that it seems like everyone has[…]

(no title)

Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: 26-May 2012

Well I woke up this morning with an awful pain in the back of my heal and decided to go and visit my Physical Therapist.  After much discussion on what I thought caused this they decided to do a procedure named Iontophoresis.  This is a process where they use a negatively charged drug and hook up an adhesive[…]

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Published on: 6-May 2012

Well I have had a tough time this week getting the miles in.  After tonight run I finally rounded out 32 miles; not the 50 I wanted but a new week is upon us. This week is the annual Relay for Life and if everything goes a planed a 50K should be in order.  I[…]

NCRC April Series and Downtown Challenge

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Published on: 6-May 2012

Social runHere is the eMail we got from Capital Run/Walk This week will be a “Historic Landmark Run“.  We have compiled a list of ten historic landmarks in Raleigh.  Photograph as many of the ten landmark signs as you can in one hour to win raffle tickets.  Work individually or in teams of up to four (4).


Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: 6-May 2012

So ya, I stink at keeping a blog up to date.  so to try and help things along I have come up with list of possible topics. Weekly OutlookWeekly RecapCountdown to Next Race / Event.Gear ReviewsDaily recaps Workout Diet Miles Overall Feeling Race Reports & Results See Race Resume PagePromote Other Bloggers

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Welcome , today is Saturday, 20-July 2024