TU – 7 Days Out

by tim
Categories: TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 22-November 2015

Well…..today is the 1 week mark from the start of Tarheel Ultra. With no running in my schedule until Tuesday I have been on a 3 day cleaning spree.  I spent Friday morning in a tree stand hunting white tail deer, then when the wind kicked up I saw no reason to go out on[…]


by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 10-November 2015

Looking for info on my 2015 Tarheel Ultra attempt?  This is the post for You!

Rain Runner!

by tim
Categories: Running
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 10-November 2015

Despite the torrential downpour, last night’s run was without a doubt one of the best runs I have had in months! It started out a little miserable but quickly transitioned. Nothing hurt, I was not cold & my new #REI rain jacket was doing its job. Everything was great, right up until I started sloshing[…]


It’s Friday, I thought it would NEVER get here.  This week has been absolutly crazy at work.  Maybe I can get in a good long run tonight & potentially hunt a little tomorrow.  Only time will tell.


quite a long while ago...

Raising Spirits

by tim
Categories: NPPD, Running
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 5-November 2015

After not running since Saturday’s pacing duties and a work schedule that was out of control its Amazing what a nice easy night run with friends will do for your #Spirit !! #runnersproblems #NPPD2015 #Day5


Categories: NPPD
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Published on: 4-November 2015

Snapped this on the way home last night. Long days, rainy ⛈ nights & no 🏃 running makes me a little grumpy. Rain rain go away! #NPPD2015 #Day4

Here we are again

by tim
Categories: NPPD
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 3-November 2015

Upgrading Again! #Windows10 #sitbackandrelax #NPPD2015 #Day3


Categories: NPPD
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 1-November 2015

Being goofy while visiting good friends!  Charleston, SC is so awesome.  Wish we had more time to look around & visit. #NPPD2015 #Day1

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quite a long while ago...

HREC Start/FinishHolston River Endurance Challenge

Categories: Race Reports, Running
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 6-August 2015

Full disclosure: I started this post in Aug-2015 and never finished it.  Now in 2018 upon the resurrection of this blog I found this report & have decided to fill in what I remember & post it. -Tim Race Name: Holston River Endurance Challenge (100, 6, 12, 24, 36) Venue: Holston River Brewing Co & Thunder[…]

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Welcome , today is Saturday, 20-July 2024