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Published on: 30-March 2011

Every City Has Some

Depot Park

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Published on: 30-March 2011

This is without a doubt my LEAST favorite place to take photos.


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Published on: 30-March 2011

…and Again.

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Published on: 29-March 2011

Barbell Bench 40 X 10 50 X 10 70 X 8 80 X 4 Standing Bicep Curls  (Dumbbells) 5 Per Side for a total of 10 3 Sets 25 lbs Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs 105 X 10 105 X 10 125 X 10  


Categories: Spirituality
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Published on: 28-March 2011

Something I have been struggleing with. i heard a preacher last week say that if you question if you are saved or not then you are not saved.  Wondering about this and talking to one of my friends today he had directed me to 1st John.


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Published on: 27-March 2011

side Note: Monday the 5th starts Insanity workouts again! Really hope I can get as cranked up for them as I did last year. More on that later. As for now here are my numbers. Kinda of Conservative but I have my main chest workout tomorrow. Move Round 1 Round 2 Standard PushUps 15 15[…]

Time Flys

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Published on: 27-March 2011

Where does all the time seem to go. I have to admit it seems like the end of the month was just a few days ago but it really is only 4 days from now. Oh well. Today was a busy day, like most Sunday’s are. Church in the morning, followed up with a small[…]


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Published on: 26-March 2011

Today was a much needed day off. I trimmed up some trees and Cut the tops of some others off. Me+Trimming usually = bare tree “Sticks”. Haha, well today was no exception. I trimmed until there was nothing was left but bare tree trunks ! I did end up trimming one of my trees out[…]

The 2011 Our State Photo Contest | Our State Magazine

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Published on: 25-March 2011

The 2011 Our State Photo Contest | Our State Magazine. Boys and Girls get your best photos ready, It’s that time again for the Our State Magazine Photo Contest.  Categories are B&W, Landscapes & Places, People or Animals !

Test Post

Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: 23-March 2011

test post for b/w section

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