Friday – 1 Day out

by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 27-November 2015

Today’s post is going to be a short one as it comes to you from the RV “Base Station”. I had to get up early today to go and pick up the shirts (SHHHHH it a surprise for everyone) from the printers.  Once home I kissed and loved on my family, loaded up in the[…]

Wed – 3 Days out

by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 25-November 2015

Today was all about deer hunting.  I got a message from my buddy telling me that there were 3 new rubs at one of his stands that I had not hunted in for a long time & if I wanted to I could hunt it in the morning.  Absolutely !! I Said, I mean come[…]

Tuesday – 4 Days out

by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 24-November 2015

  Update #1 Well this short update comes to you from one of my tree stands I am in while Whitetail deer hunting  Checking the weather last night it was predicted to be a cold morning & then checking the solunar tables it is supposed to be an “Excellent” hunting day.  Guess what……So far only[…]

Monday – 5 Days out

by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 23-November 2015

  Today I had to go into work to finish up some loose ends before I could start my vacation / deer hunting time. What an extremely difficult day it was, lots of little tasks but they required my full attention.  Something that I was almost unable to anything other than TU.   Finally finished[…]

TU – 7 Days Out

by tim
Categories: TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 22-November 2015

Well… is the 1 week mark from the start of Tarheel Ultra. With no running in my schedule until Tuesday I have been on a 3 day cleaning spree.  I spent Friday morning in a tree stand hunting white tail deer, then when the wind kicked up I saw no reason to go out on[…]


by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 10-November 2015

Looking for info on my 2015 Tarheel Ultra attempt?  This is the post for You!

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Welcome , today is Friday, 26-July 2024