
Categories: Running
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Published on: 26-December 2012

Just sitting here thinking.  Last year on December 26th I ran my 1st “Technical” ultra-marathon Boxing Day Madness with a crushing distance of 26.6 Miles! LOL  Well it may have been an ultra but it was a distance P.R. to me.  This was my 1st distance over 13 miles and I was going to pay for it.[…]

Little Christmas Day Trail Run

Categories: Running, Training
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 26-December 2012

Fantastic Christmas day run. 2 Guys 3 Dogs and the Trails of Jordan Lake. I Met with J imbo today for a little Jordan Lake – New Hope Overlook Blue Trail Run.  This trail features all the “Objects” that a trail runner should like.  Roots, massive leaf cover (Providing the “Hidden” Root feature), switch backs, ups,[…]


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Published on: 10-December 2012

YAY!  Back on the run.  After 2 weeks of absolutely no running it was nice getting back to it.  Nice easy 30 min on the treadmill.  Now stretch and Ice. Note: I have been diligently in the gym strength training.  We have added in a leg day which last week worried me a little bit.  On the 3rd set of leg[…]

Reindeer Fun Run – Race Report Guest Post & Guest Runner

Categories: Race Reports, Running
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 2-December 2012

December 1, 2012 Reindeer Fun Run Guest Post & Guest Runner Shawn Sheffield.   The Reindeer Fun Run in Aberdeen NC was probably my first and I am assuming everyone else’s first 12K race.  It was bitterly cold that morning leaving Sanford my thermometer was hovering around 38 degrees the whole way down to Aberdeen. […]

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