HREC Start/FinishHolston River Endurance Challenge

Categories: Race Reports, Running
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Published on: 6-August 2015

Full disclosure: I started this post in Aug-2015 and never finished it.  Now in 2018 upon the resurrection of this blog I found this report & have decided to fill in what I remember & post it. -Tim Race Name: Holston River Endurance Challenge (100, 6, 12, 24, 36) Venue: Holston River Brewing Co & Thunder[…]

2014 Bad Marsh 50K Race Report

Categories: Race Reports, Running
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Published on: 23-June 2014

  I came, I ran, I puked, I walked, I slept, I puked, I ate, I puked…….and I finished.  My longest 50k ever. That, in one sentence was my latest 50K experience!  Wow, what an deceptively hard race Bad Marsh 50k was! Since I DNFed this race last year I was not going to try[…]

Weymouth Woods 100k – 2014

Full disclosure: I started this post in Feb-2014 and never finished it.  Now in 2018 upon the resurrection of this blog I found this report & have decided to fill in what I remember & post it. -Tim Race Name: Weymouth Woods 100K Distance/Type: 100 K Race Location: Weymouth Woods Nature Preserve, S. Pines Climate[…]

Daily Log 4/22/13

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Published on: 22-April 2013

Lunch Workout Circuit Knee strengthening 3 Sets of 10 Reps @ 60# Pull-ups 3 Sets of 5 Reps Push-Ups 3 Sets of 15 Reps Hamstring Curls: 3 Sets of 10 at 60# (Single Leg 10 / Side) Seated Quad Extensions: 3 Sets of 10 @ 45# (Single Leg 10 / Side) Seated Hack Squats 3 sets of[…]

Weymouth Woods 2013 – Race Report

Categories: Race Reports
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: 23-January 2013

Event Info Date: January 19, 2013 8:00 AM Location: Weymouth Woods Nature Preserve Event Distance: 100K Hosted By: Mangum Track Club & RFH Series: Original 4 MTC events E vent Website: Weymouth Woods 2013, a Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run Qualifier The Short Story: Completed the race in 14:49:45.15, qualified for WSER and[…]

1 Day out – Weymouth Woods

Categories: Running
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Published on: 18-January 2013

Well it’s here, Weymouth Woods 100k is tomorrow.  I think I have done everything right.  I have stretched, I have Carb Loaded and I have rested.  I think I have settled on a secondary goal of 12 hours for the race with the primary goal of finishing under the 15 hour time limit to qualify for Western[…]

Goat Head Sole Spikes2 Days out – Weymouth Woods

Categories: Running
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 17-January 2013

2 Days out from my 1st Western States Qualifying run for the year and the weather is throwing everything thing it can at us.  Today it has rained all day long…..ALL DAY !!  To make matters worse, tonight the rain is foretasted to turn into Snow, UGH…really.  Now I do have to say that Sat’s forecast does[…]

Little Christmas Day Trail Run

Categories: Running, Training
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Published on: 26-December 2012

Fantastic Christmas day run. 2 Guys 3 Dogs and the Trails of Jordan Lake. I Met with J imbo today for a little Jordan Lake – New Hope Overlook Blue Trail Run.  This trail features all the “Objects” that a trail runner should like.  Roots, massive leaf cover (Providing the “Hidden” Root feature), switch backs, ups,[…]

Reindeer Fun Run – Race Report Guest Post & Guest Runner

Categories: Race Reports, Running
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 2-December 2012

December 1, 2012 Reindeer Fun Run Guest Post & Guest Runner Shawn Sheffield.   The Reindeer Fun Run in Aberdeen NC was probably my first and I am assuming everyone else’s first 12K race.  It was bitterly cold that morning leaving Sanford my thermometer was hovering around 38 degrees the whole way down to Aberdeen. […]

Monday Mileage

Categories: Weight Lifting
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 1-October 2012

Well in the spirit of keeping the blog updated I guess I better say something today.  In typical fashion I would like to write about all the awesome trail miles I put in along with all the road miles I am running with Weymouth Woods bearing down on me (Jan 19, 2013) hahah…..but that is[…]

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