1 Day out – Weymouth Woods

Categories: Running
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Published on: 18-January 2013
WW100K Pre Dinner
WW100K Pre Dinner

Well it’s here, Weymouth Woods 100k is tomorrow.  I think I have done everything right.  I have stretched, I have Carb Loaded and I have rested.  I think I have settled on a secondary goal of 12 hours for the race with the primary goal of finishing under the 15 hour time limit to qualify for Western States 100 lottery.  I know that is a large difference in time and I’m not sure why I chose 12 hours.  Maybe because last year’s top 10 were all inside of 12 1/2 hours.  WOW, what would it be like to be in the top 10 of this race!  Anyhow, off to bed I go with dreams of the perfect day ahead of me.  At dinner tonight with a bunch of friends that are also racing tomorrow they were telling us how the trails were in great condition after last nights wash-out / torrential  down pour.  Still, the only thing that is giving me any trouble are the bridges.  They are going to be wicked slippery.

Race report to come soon…..I hope.  Sleep well friends !


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