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Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: 6-May 2012

Well I have had a tough time this week getting the miles in.  After tonight run I finally rounded out 32 miles; not the 50 I wanted but a new week is upon us.

This week is the annual Relay for Life and if everything goes a planed a 50K should be in order.  I am planning on starting Friday at 5:30 and completing at 11:00 with another 30 mile run under my belt.  Since this is at night I figure this event will be good Boogie training run.

On an additional note…I really need to get back into the pool.  The Old School Aquathon Series starts this month on the 23rd and they always put the longest swim first…..UGH so much to do and so little time.  This thing called work keeps hindering my exercise!

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