Trying to get back in the saddle

Categories: Running, Training
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Published on: 5-March 2013

After trying some not so smart training techniques I think I am finally able to start regular training again.  Today was my 1st 2-a-day runs and all seems to be well.  With GDR so close i am a little worried about finishing injury free.  U100 is still the “A” race so if anything happens during[…]


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Published on: 10-December 2012

YAY!  Back on the run.  After 2 weeks of absolutely no running it was nice getting back to it.  Nice easy 30 min on the treadmill.  Now stretch and Ice. Note: I have been diligently in the gym strength training.  We have added in a leg day which last week worried me a little bit.  On the 3rd set of leg[…]

Derby 50K DNF / DNS Race Report

Categories: Race Reports, Running
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Published on: 24-November 2012

1st, please let me start this post out by saying that I am extremely blessed to be doing the things that I do.  I am, for the most part, a very healthy and active person.  Additionally I am even more blessed to have a very healthy, happy and supportive family!  Their health and well being is #1 priority.  Now[…]

Bone ScanDr’s Bone Scan Review

Categories: Uncategorized
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: 4-October 2012

It’s Thursday and that means bone doctor follow day!  So here is how it went down. I took off work a little early and drove up to Cary but unfortunately I had to pull my big trailer with me.  You see this Friday & Saturday we are embarking on an 2 day overnight 2 kayaking[…]

Monday Mileage

Categories: Weight Lifting
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 1-October 2012

Well in the spirit of keeping the blog updated I guess I better say something today.  In typical fashion I would like to write about all the awesome trail miles I put in along with all the road miles I am running with Weymouth Woods bearing down on me (Jan 19, 2013) hahah…..but that is[…]

Doctor Time

Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: 25-September 2012

This morning I went up to Cary Ortho to have a fresh pair of eyes look at the pain I am having in my leg.  I would say it’s a stress fracture but strangely enough I can produce the same pain in either leg by pushing on the same spot.  Soooo off to the orhto[…]

Monday Mileage – ya right

Categories: Uncategorized
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 24-September 2012

Well, this is where I had planned on posting up my previous weeks mileage…however since I have a (Self Diagnosed) stress fracture there will be none of that! Ugh, there is nothing worse than having beautiful weather, lots of friends running EVERYWHERE & posting their adventures AND having a Major Race (Weymouth Woods 100k)  just[…]

Still Resting

Categories: Quick Updates
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Published on: 13-July 2012

Well I’m still resting, sort of, but had a nice run today.  Did the same route as yesterday but alone.  Pace is getting back to normal as I ran a 7:30 avg today.  Still have some medial pain in the right knee but is getting much better AND since I have been off the NSAIDs[…]

Open Water

Categories: Uncategorized
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 4-June 2012

Well it’s Monday again and without the possibility of running I had to do something to expend this cooped up energy!  As Chance would have it one of my friends posted up an open water swim that they were going to do today so I decided to tag along.  We did a little shy of[…]

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Welcome , today is Saturday, 20-July 2024