Monday Mileage – ya right

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Published on: 24-September 2012

Well, this is where I had planned on posting up my previous weeks mileage…however since I have a (Self Diagnosed) stress fracture there will be none of that!

Ugh, there is nothing worse than having beautiful weather, lots of friends running EVERYWHERE & posting their adventures AND having a Major Race (Weymouth Woods 100k)  just 117 days away.  This injury is going to set back my training by 6-8 weeks maybe even more since I will have to comeback slowly…..

Just to make things worse I have been cross-training on the road bike and just broke another spoke on my rear wheel, now I have to wonder….What am I doing wrong??

Today marks the start of a new training routine I have put together.  Let’s hope that the activities do not have any pain associated with them ’cause if they do I will again have to figure something else to do…..

Additional Note: I need to find a good Yoga / stretching routine that I can incorporate into my mornings.  If anyone has a suggestion please let me know!

Weekly Workouts
Monday- Lunch Strength Training: Chest (Flat Bench, Incline Bench & Flys)
Monday- Evening: 60 Min on the Elliptical

Tuesday- AM: I may try and get up & go to the gym and swim or put in time on the elliptical
Tuesday- Lunch Strength Training: AB Ripper + Biceps & Triceps (Ind. moves in later posts)
Tuesday- Evening: Group Run which I will be supporting & not running.

Wednesday- Lunch Strength Training: Weighted Wed.  Back day.  Pull-ups & lots of other back exercises.
Wednesday- Evening: 60 Min on the Elliptical

Thursday- AM: I may try and get up & go to the gym and swim or put in time on the elliptical
Thursday- Lunch Strength Training: AB Ripper + Legs
Thursday- Evening: 60 Min on the Elliptical

Friday- Lunch: 30 Min Hard Elliptical

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