Trying to get back in the saddle

Categories: Running, Training
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Published on: 5-March 2013

After trying some not so smart training techniques I think I am finally able to start regular training again.  Today was my 1st 2-a-day runs and all seems to be well.  With GDR so close i am a little worried about finishing injury free.  U100 is still the “A” race so if anything happens during GDR I will have to DNF.  Let’s hope and pray that all goes well.

i have continued my strength training and have added in a new knee rehab routine which has seemed to help.

Todays Runs: Run #1 was at the gym (Soft Miles) on the treadmill. Did 15 min of 8:45 pace at 2.5% incline the rotated between 5 Mins at 15% incline & 14 min/mile pace (100 pace) and the regular 8:45 @ 2.5% incline. Total of 35 min. No Idea on the miles.


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