Friday – 1 Day out

by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 27-November 2015

Today’s post is going to be a short one as it comes to you from the RV “Base Station”. I had to get up early today to go and pick up the shirts (SHHHHH it a surprise for everyone) from the printers.  Once home I kissed and loved on my family, loaded up in the[…]

Thursday – 2 Days out

by tim
Categories: Just Life
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 26-November 2015

Today is Thanksgiving and I am SO VERY thankful that my heart is just full.  My son came to me and asked me to take him hunting.  So yesterday we made plans for an early departure, pulled out camo cold weather clothes & packed rifles.  We headed out the door at 5:15 making out way[…]

Wed – 3 Days out

by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 25-November 2015

Today was all about deer hunting.  I got a message from my buddy telling me that there were 3 new rubs at one of his stands that I had not hunted in for a long time & if I wanted to I could hunt it in the morning.  Absolutely !! I Said, I mean come[…]

Tuesday – 4 Days out

by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 24-November 2015

  Update #1 Well this short update comes to you from one of my tree stands I am in while Whitetail deer hunting  Checking the weather last night it was predicted to be a cold morning & then checking the solunar tables it is supposed to be an “Excellent” hunting day.  Guess what……So far only[…]

Monday – 5 Days out

by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 23-November 2015

  Today I had to go into work to finish up some loose ends before I could start my vacation / deer hunting time. What an extremely difficult day it was, lots of little tasks but they required my full attention.  Something that I was almost unable to anything other than TU.   Finally finished[…]

TU – 7 Days Out

by tim
Categories: TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 22-November 2015

Well… is the 1 week mark from the start of Tarheel Ultra. With no running in my schedule until Tuesday I have been on a 3 day cleaning spree.  I spent Friday morning in a tree stand hunting white tail deer, then when the wind kicked up I saw no reason to go out on[…]


by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 10-November 2015

Looking for info on my 2015 Tarheel Ultra attempt?  This is the post for You!

Rain Runner!

by tim
Categories: Running
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 10-November 2015

Despite the torrential downpour, last night’s run was without a doubt one of the best runs I have had in months! It started out a little miserable but quickly transitioned. Nothing hurt, I was not cold & my new #REI rain jacket was doing its job. Everything was great, right up until I started sloshing[…]


Kicking around Walmart at lunch and ran across the beauty ! Only $0.50 !!! Yup, cheap and I know it


quite a long while ago...


It’s Friday, I thought it would NEVER get here.  This week has been absolutly crazy at work.  Maybe I can get in a good long run tonight & potentially hunt a little tomorrow.  Only time will tell.


quite a long while ago...

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