Rain Runner!

by tim
Categories: Running
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Published on: 10-November 2015

A0150FE0-C0D7-4553-94C1-61915BA7FED1Despite the torrential downpour, last night’s run was without a doubt one of the best runs I have had in months! It started out a little miserable but quickly transitioned. Nothing hurt, I was not cold & my new #REI rain jacket was doing its job. Everything was great, right up until I started sloshing through ankle deep water…..ugh I though, just then the Miley Cyrus song “Best of both Worlds” came on…….Not sure how THAT got there, guess that’s what happens when you have daughters….. but it reminded me how #Blessed I was to be able to be out in the rain running…. Spirit boosted again. The rest of the run was enjoyable, still warm & surprisingly dry I text my wife to let her know I was at my ½ way point & turning around to come home. Just then some joker thought it would be funny to drive close to the sidewalk that I was on & splash me…HA! I thought jokes on you! I’m already wet as I’m going to be & I.Don’t.Care !! The final portion of the run was mostly highway, as that is what my final race of the year is on, and particularly hilly. Enjoying the push I challenged myself through miles 8,9&10 to run the hills a little bit faster. What a great night it was! Tired, wet & hungry but fully satisfied and in a MUCH better mood.

#TrainingDosentWait #Runner #UltrRunner #RunInTheRain #MoodChanger #HokaOneOne

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