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Published on: 28-July 2010

well since I was waiting for Ninja Jr to come and pick me up to goto the gym I decided to do the Ab portion of Cardio Abs, only because I could not Ab Ripper :-).  The workout was good and I pushed all the way through it.  I only stopped once or twice, but[…]

Time to Bring It

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Published on: 28-July 2010

Just went to the Gym today at lunch.  Did my normal elliptical workout and seemed to be nice and strong.  32 Min at level 15.  3.80 miles and my heart rate mon. read something like 575 ck burned.  Started the workout with 10 narrow grip pull-ups and finished with the same.  Good & Strong.   Still[…]


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Published on: 27-July 2010

Well the weather is about the same today, IT SUCKS !  I feel bad and my body hurts.  Have not been to the gym at lunch-time in quite a while and today’s strength workout with Ninja Jr was kinda lame.  I was just not into it. So after I got home I had it in[…]

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Published on: 26-July 2010

Went to the Gym today with Ninja Jr.  To be nice I am going to say my workout was just pitiful.  We did our regular flat bench then moved over to inclines.  I was really strong but did not feel well.  Went home and shortly after that.  The weather is aweful and my joints and[…]

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Published on: 25-July 2010

Ughhhh, I ate way too much and feel way guilty.  However the chopped BBQ & chicken was AWESOME !

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Published on: 24-July 2010

Today is Saturday, Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs.  Pushed hard today since we are going to a cookout.  I am anticipating much eating of pork and chicken !  Tomorrow is my day off and I am really looking forward to it.

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Published on: 23-July 2010

Played golf today with the fellas.  Real hot out there but tried to keep hydrated.  I played really well and hit the ball hard.  Figured out that Mr. 1Wood is my friend and Mr Driver IS NOT !  After some rest it was on to my workout for the day Cardio Power & resistance.  I’m[…]

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Published on: 22-July 2010

Cardio Recovery.  This workout is kinda neat and to tell you the truth is a little challenging.  It works the muscle real deep.

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Published on: 21-July 2010

Today was Pure Cardio again.  I somehow go into this workout thinking that this will be the week that I can at least not stop.  I’m not saying I’m going to do ALL the reps, just not stop moving. NOPE !  Oh well, maybe next time.  It is getting very frustrating though. In addition to[…]

1st Double – Up

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Published on: 18-July 2010

Holy Smokes, Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs back to back.  I still have yet to make it through a Pure Cardio session.  However I’m confused WHY they would put those high cardio moves in the begenning of Cardio Abs.  The tuck jumps are a little much. Overall the Ab workout was good.  The Low Plank[…]

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Welcome , today is Saturday, 20-July 2024