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Published on: 18-March 2011

This morning started off with a treat.  Woke up at 4:00 and met some friends at 4:30 to put some much need miles in. Check out our little rout.  Almost 5 miles, and If I had known it was that close I would have kept going ….. oh well.


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Published on: 17-March 2011

Thursday, a much needed day of rest.  Today we were scheduled to have a big meeting, so I made sure that I was 100% prepared and what happened?  You guessed it !  They moved the meeting…..oh well atleast I am prepared for it when it happens. so since we did not have the meeting it[…]

Wed PM Workout

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Published on: 16-March 2011

Seated machine preacher curls 45# – 3 x 10 Standing straight bar curls 25#’s 3 x 10 25#’s 1 x 15 Lat machine 45#’s 3 x 10 Bentover dumbell rows 1 set 70# x 10 Dumbell single arm curls 25#’s 3 x 15 Standing curls (ez bar) Note: weight is per side 40# x 10[…]

Wed Lunch workout

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Published on: 16-March 2011

  Pull-up x 7 Chin-up x 7 Pull-up x 7 Wide Grip Lat pull downs 10 x 120# 10 x 150# 6 x 180#   Standing Shoulder Presses 10 x 95# 10 x 95# 10 x 95#       Machine Seated Shoulder Presses 3 x 10 80# 3 x 10 80#

Monday – PM Workout

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Published on: 16-March 2011

Chest & Tri Dumbell Flat Dumbell Incline Dumbell Fly Close-Grip (Easy Bar) presses

Monday – Lunch Workout

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Published on: 14-March 2011

Today’s lunch workout started out as normal but got kinda competitive. On the last sets of bicep cable curls we ended jumping weight until we had the whole stack. Could not do one however Terry did 10. Was feeling pretty strong today, the flat bench is still giving me some trouble but my Incline bench[…]

Workout log

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Published on: 11-March 2011

Warm-up 25 x10 hammer curls 3 sets x 10 reps standing easy curl bar with 25 2 sets x 10 reps tri push downs SUPER SET 3 sets x 10 reps each Bicep cable curls (80,90,100) Triceps overhead pullover (70,80,90) An Ripper X Cable biceps curls 10 x 110

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