Monday – Lunch Workout

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Published on: 14-March 2011

Today’s lunch workout started out as normal but got kinda competitive. On the last sets of bicep cable curls we ended jumping weight until we had the whole stack. Could not do one however Terry did 10. Was feeling pretty strong today, the flat bench is still giving me some trouble but my Incline bench is feeling really strong. We will meet up again tonight to blast a dumbbell chest workout. Just a note: MY ARMS ARE BLASTED.

Meals So far:
Pre-Breakfast: Creatine
Breakfast: Yogurt, Honey & Cereal
Snack: PB&J
Lunch: Protein Drink & Pasta W/ Venison

Flat Bench Press (Barbell)
135 x 10 –easy
205 x 8 ok
225 x 4 – Heavy Spot

Incline Bench Press (Barbell)
135 x 10 -easy
165 x 8 – ok
185 x 6 – tough
225 x 4 –Heavy Spot

Triceps Super-Set (3Moves)
V-Bar Pull Downs

Cable Curl
80 x 12
90 x 10
100 x 10
130 x 10
150 x FAIL

Over Head Pull Overs
80 x 12
100 x 12
110 x 12
120 x 12

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