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Published on: 6-August 2010

Yes I DID IT……..That is I made it all the way through PURE CARDIO !!!!  I did not stop, just kept moving.  I felt awesome.  I was really wasted by the time we go to the last extercise (Push-up Jacks).  I however did not stop just held plank and then got back into it. Played[…]

Sat workout

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Published on: 6-August 2010

Skip workout today.  Recovery week starting on Monday.

Recovery Day

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Published on: 5-August 2010

I figured since it was a recovery day I would do just that, RECOVER !No workout for me today.  I will think about doing an extra one on Sunday.  No Guilt 172 on the Scale This morning.


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Published on: 4-August 2010

NOW WE ARE GETTING SOMEWHERE.Tonight’s workout was Plyometric Cardio Circuit, which in my opinion, is the hardest workout of month one.But I sure did BRING IT ! tonight.  Flew through the warm up and into the workout and did the 1st Triad with no problem.  Had great heart rates and felt like I was training[…]

This should be interesting

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Published on: 4-August 2010

So I was up at 3:50am today.  Had to go into work and was there at 4:30AM.  YIKES, came home and crashed then got up at 4:30pm ate 2 pb&j and 2 high fiber bars and went to the gym with Ninja Jr. Completed a great chest workout + added in a whole med. ball[…]


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Published on: 3-August 2010

Ask me why I am excited !! That would be because I all but made it through Cardio Power & Resistance !! Was very tired at the the but did good.  The run-it-out while in high plank still gives me trouble.  I had to take breaks during that, also the moving push-ups I had to take[…]


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Published on: 2-August 2010

Well I did it.  Did not feel good and my stomach hurt,gas pain I think…… but I did it. Pure cardio & cardio ABS. Those tuck jumps still suck and they hurt tonight Pulled through seemingly well since I have been up since 4:30 More tomorrow

Still going

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Published on: 2-August 2010

Well its 9:41 and I am still at work. So who knows if I am going to get to workout today. Doesn't look like it though.

Last Week Sucked

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Published on: 2-August 2010

Well folks as you can see from my lack of posts for last week ………………THAT WEEK SUCKED and looks like I will be repeating week 4.  Oh well, I guess my body needed the break from the diet and multi workouts I have been doing. Time to bring it kids.  Today is month-end so getting[…]

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