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Published on: 4-August 2010

Tonight’s workout was Plyometric Cardio Circuit, which in my opinion, is the hardest workout of month one.
But I sure did BRING IT ! tonight.  Flew through the warm up and stretches.
got into the workout and did the 1st Triad with no problem.  Had great heart rates and felt like I was training really hard.


The 2nd Triad came.
I find this Triad to be very quadriceps intensive, and once they get tired then my whole core gives out.
So the 1st time through I was like ok, now this is hard and started to fail on reps on the Ski Abs but pushed through it the best I could.
the 2nd time through I could not keep up with the people on the DVD but never fully stopped.

3rd time through I was TOAST !  Complete failure, did not finish all the level 1 drills, did not do 1/2 of the ski abs and the in-and-outs were just pitiful !  HOWEVER !!!  I did not stop but once or twice in the last set and that was only for a sec each time.  WOW what a workout and an accomplishment for me.

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