Playlist Thursday: Viewer’s Choice

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Published on: 27-September 2012

Ok today’s Thursday Playlist challenge is “Viewer’s Choice” which gives me an awesome reason to push out some more Christian tunes.  Open your mind and give them a chance. Don’t forget to head over to Pavement Runner’s blog to check out all the other participant playlists! Playlist Thursday Rules / Format Something Old: Songs that are at least[…]

Wordless Wednesday

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Published on: 26-September 2012

This made me so mad!

Doctor Time

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Published on: 25-September 2012

This morning I went up to Cary Ortho to have a fresh pair of eyes look at the pain I am having in my leg.  I would say it’s a stress fracture but strangely enough I can produce the same pain in either leg by pushing on the same spot.  Soooo off to the orhto[…]

Monday Mileage – ya right

Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: 24-September 2012

Well, this is where I had planned on posting up my previous weeks mileage…however since I have a (Self Diagnosed) stress fracture there will be none of that! Ugh, there is nothing worse than having beautiful weather, lots of friends running EVERYWHERE & posting their adventures AND having a Major Race (Weymouth Woods 100k)  just[…]

Playlist Thursday: DANCE

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Published on: 20-September 2012

We today is Thursday and for a while now I have been following a blogger who issues a challenge to create a simple 3 song play list to share with everyone.  It figures that the day that I chose to start participating would be dance.  Next to country this is probably my weakest music genre[…]

Birthday Stats

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Published on: 15-September 2012

Today I am…..39 years old that’s468 months oldor 2,035 weeks oldor 14,248 days old Current Old Man StatsI stand 5′ – 11″Weigh in at 76 Kg (169lb) Unofficial Running PR’s1 Mile:  6:49(5k Avg)5K: 20:591/2 Marathon: 1:48:20 (Same)50K: 5:3950ML: 11:40Check out Last Year’s Stats !

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