Evening Work Out

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Published on: 13-January 2011

Well Since I was behind in my Pull-Up and Push-Up program I figured I would Catch up. I started with pull-ups (these were done at home on my doorway pull-up bar.) Level 4: Week2: Day2 08 Pull-Ups (Check) – 90 Sec Rest 09 Chin-Ups (Check) – 90 Sec Rest 08 Pull-Ups (FAIL) – 3Min Rest[…]


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Published on: 13-January 2011

Ran the same rout as I did the other day, out and back.  Better time today & got to wear my new shoes again1m 07:30 D:02s2m 14:46 (7:14) D:18s3m 22:17 (7:31) U:115K 22:59 D:12Pace: 7:23.85 12 sec faster then the last time running this routeRunKeeper

Daily Report (Evening)

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Published on: 12-January 2011

Evening work-out with Ninja – JRPull-Ups (90 Sec rest between sets)For some reason I do not like the feel of the pullup bar that is provided in the gym plus there is no spot to “regular” width pulls so I end up using the frame of the cable cross-over machine.  I like it a lot[…]

Daily Report (LUNCH)

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Published on: 12-January 2011

Today was apparently a catch-up day.  I had forgot my wind breaker and It was cold and windy out side so that took care of my run.  Since I did not get the oppertunity to work out Monday Evening due to snow / ice I figured that a lunch time POWER work out, pun implied,[…]

Ice Day

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Published on: 12-January 2011

Ugh, being snowed in is one thing , but being Iced in is something TOTALLY different.  With Snow atleast you can get the kids out of the house and build snowmen, have snowball fights, make snow-angels and all sorts of other stuff. With ice, the only activitied you get is to try and find something to[…]


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Published on: 10-January 2011

ok, as for last week diet wise FAIL ! LOL, anyhow it was my 11 year anniversary and we went to the Cheesecake factory, need I say more ! This week will be better.  185.5 good bye On a side note: ran today and had my fastest 5k time I’ve had in a LONG time.M1:[…]

Shoe Mileage

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Published on: 8-January 2011

Today’s Run was the 1st on my New Shoes.  They felt good but need to be broken.Ran pretty good but must do better. Distance: 4:05Time: 30:59Per Mile Avg: 7:39 RunKeeper

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