Bone ScanDr’s Bone Scan Review

Categories: Uncategorized
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: 4-October 2012

It’s Thursday and that means bone doctor follow day!  So here is how it went down. I took off work a little early and drove up to Cary but unfortunately I had to pull my big trailer with me.  You see this Friday & Saturday we are embarking on an 2 day overnight 2 kayaking[…]

Monday Mileage

Categories: Weight Lifting
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 1-October 2012

Well in the spirit of keeping the blog updated I guess I better say something today.  In typical fashion I would like to write about all the awesome trail miles I put in along with all the road miles I am running with Weymouth Woods bearing down on me (Jan 19, 2013) hahah…..but that is[…]

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