Boogie Shirt

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Published on: 22-June 2012

Over a year ago a tornado came through our town and destroyed the Corporate office for the company I work for.  So when that happened we were forced to move our entire corporate office and supporting offices into a warehouse!   WELL, Today is our last day in that warehouse and were were allowed to wear short[…]

Bethel Hill Moonlight Boogie 50ML

Categories: Race Reports
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 17-June 2012

1st, let me start off by apologizing for the WAY long post.  However I think it is worth the brain-dump.  Enjoy and please comment. 6/16-6/17/2012 Well the day started unlike any other day seeing that I slept in until 10:30 and awoke to the phone ringing, it was my buddy Chris confirming the time that we were[…]


Categories: Uncategorized
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 14-June 2012

The Official Battery of the Ultra-Runner!!

Open Water

Categories: Uncategorized
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 4-June 2012

Well it’s Monday again and without the possibility of running I had to do something to expend this cooped up energy!  As Chance would have it one of my friends posted up an open water swim that they were going to do today so I decided to tag along.  We did a little shy of[…]

Pink Tie Day

Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: 3-June 2012

Yet another Sunday heading to church.  Just thought I would take a moment and share my Breast Cancer Awareness tie with ya.  Remember, Save the Ta-Tas!! Save Them

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Welcome , today is Saturday, 20-July 2024