President’s Day Freedom Run – Race Report

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Published on: 15-February 2014

Race Name: 10th Annual President’s Day Freedom Run
Distance/Type: 5K
Race Location: Lee Christian Sanford,NC
Climate Data: 40 Deg and Raining
Race Date: Feb 15, 2014

Finish Time:
Finish Place (Age Division & Overall): Not Yet Posted
Race Stats: Garmin



Today’s 5k marked a special event in my life this was my son’s First ever race.  He had been talking about doing a race for quite a while and decided this was the one we were going to do.  I was super careful not to push him too hard for training but made sure that we went on a couple of training runs.







Race Day

Today came with a little surprise, Cold & Rain!  Yes, two of my favorite components.  Since we woke up a little late I asked him if he still wanted to do this and he quickly replied with an excited “YES” so we go dressed and off we went.  One quick stop at the ATM and on to the event.

We arrive in time to get registered, which went quite smooth and was warm since it was in the children s building at the church.  We mulled around for a while and talked to a bunch BCRT folks then the 5 min warning was announced.

We made our way outside to the starting line.  I told him to stay here and when they said “GO” to run and follow everyone else, i was going to hang back and take some pictures of the other runners.

The count down started 3-2-1 GO and off everyone went.  MAP had the biggest smile on his face as he took off down the road following all the other racers.  Like I told him I took some photos of the start then began my run towards everyone else.  One by one I passed the other runners, stopping to take pics along the way, until I got to MAP.

We ran the remainder of the race together, waking the hills and doing our best to run the down sections.  He took a brief stop at the 1/2 way point for a glass of water then we were off again.


As we closed on the finish line I made a deal with MAP that if he continued to run I would go to the finish and video tape his finish.  He agreed so off I went.  Seconds later MAP rounded to the corner and was cruising towards a fantastic finish!  His fist, of hopefully many more, races was a complete success.

After we cooled down we went inside enjoyed some Hot Chocolate, bananas and oranges before we left.  On the way home we made a special trip to to mommy’s work to show of his official bib and do a brief recount of the experience.

All-in-all a complete success!  Until next time my friends run hard and stay healthy.


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