
Categories: Running
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Published on: 16-November 2012

Well now the pre-race jitters have REALLY set in.  I have finished my packing and made sure my bed will fit in the back of the van.  As always I have managed to over pack again.  But hey, If I need it it should be there.  (Pics to follow soon).

My stomach is in knots and doing flip-flops and my mind is constantly thinking about strategy

Concerns that I still have:

1) How is my body going to react to being awake and moving for 24 Hours?
2) My legs (Shins) have just stopped hurting, is this going to be too much?
3) Next weekend I have The Derby 50K, am I going to be able to recover in time?
4) Sleeping in the van, I usually don’t sleep well the night before a race AND this time I will be in my van on a blow-up bed and the forecast is predicting the overnight low in the 30’s.  I hope that I am bringing enough to stay warm.
5) I still worry a lot about hydration & nutrition during Ultras.

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