1st Monday Miles in a While

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Published on: 9-October 2012

Well as humbling as it was I have run my first mile in almost a month.  I got clearance from the Doc to run last Friday but decided to wait until today to give it a go and since it was raining and cold outside I decided to make it a dreadmill (Treadmill) day.  The BIG news of the day is that I had absolutely no pain at all!  I ran the random program for fifteen min and covered, what they said, 1.42 miles.

After the run a buddy and I finished up our daily chest strength training.

I will get stronger & faster each and every day.  Weymouth Woods watch out ’cause I’m on the comeback trail! Tomorrow will be a 3 mile run with the Tribe.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Philippans 4:13 KJV)

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