Tuesday – 4 Days out

by tim
Categories: Running, TarheelUltra
Comments: No Comments
Published on: 24-November 2015


Update #1

Well this short update comes to you from one of my tree stands I am in while Whitetail deer hunting WIN_20151124_081740

Checking the weather last night it was predicted to be a cold morning & then checking the solunar tables it is supposed to be an “Excellent” hunting day.  Guess what……So far only 1 has been true


I expect the rest of the day to be filled with trying to finalize Day 2 & 3’s mileage plans, ferry plans, camping plans, making lists, pulling out all my gear & making phone calls for TU.  Hopefully Dad & Mom will be onboard to help with some 9of this.  I will update more after BCRT


Update #2

Tonight we had a pleasant visitor, Hannah from the Sanford Herald joined us to take some photos for my upcoming article on “Cold Weather Exercising”.  Once done with the announcements, photos we went off for our regular 4.22 mile run.  This will be only the 2nd time in 2 weeks that I have ran.  MAN what a difference tapered & rested legs can make.  The pace was quick, water was cool & the breathing was easy!


Back at home…….well I just went to bed, TU will have to wait another day.


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