1 in 8K Moore for the Cure – Race Report

Categories: Race Reports, Running
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Published on: 7-September 2013

Event Info
Date: Saturday September 7, 2013
Location: Pinehurst, NC
Event Distance: 8 Kilometers
Event Website:  http://sandhillsraceseries.com/ai1ec_event/1-in-8k-8k-1k/


First off I would like to thank FurtherFasterForever (#F3) for the opportunity to run this race.  See #F3 is “A global community of athletes inspiring & encouraging each other to go Further. Faster. Forever.” and every Friday they have  what is called FREEBIE FRIDAY! which lists out races and the 1st person to send them an eMail for that specific race gets it for free.  One particular day I saw a race for Pinehurst,NC, Sent the eMail and to my surprise WON THE RACE!!  Thank you #F3 Community!!

Short Story
This race was well put on and featured a Beautiful Course, Mix of road, rolling hills, Single track and greenway.  Food at the finish provided by Panara Bread and the live band sounded really good.  Beautiful weather and good friends from BCRT made this event perfect.

Pre Race
The 5:00 AM alarm came early today….Needless to say I got up fixed my coffee and load up in the truck to make the drive down to Pinehurst.  Rolled right into the parking lot and immediately found one of the Run Club’s members and parked beside her. IMG_0499 Packed pick up opened at 7:00 AM and I right on time.  The packet pick up process was, at this point, well organized and went very quickly.  Once I had my stuff I spent a few min looking around the vendors then headed back to the truck to get ready.

At the truck I changed, put my bib on my race belt and streched a little bit then after a trip to the rest room it was time to line up for the start.





During the pre-race announcements i found out that my footpod Garmin watch was dead and I did not have an app on my phone to track my time / distance. Quickly I tried to find RunKeeper and download it to my Lifeproof Case protected phone…..Hurry…..hurry….hurry…..3-2-1 GO!  Ugh, the race had started and I was still downloading.  LOL, to a metrics person like myselft this was awful!  hhahaha, the app downloaded shortly after starting and we settled into our pace.

I had made the decision that since I have some large races / runs in the very near future that I was not going to “Race” this one.  Instead I started with my friends from the running tribe and enjoy this race.  There were several of us at the start the all of a sudden everyone dissipated and it was just Kristen and myself.  We ended up running this race together, enjoying the hills and terrain, IMG_0528which was pleasantly mixed up with Road, soft sand, packed trail and black-top greenway,  and we even pushed a little at the finish.

Post Race
After we finished the race I hung around the finishing line area and tried to catch other Tribe members finishing, to which I did not do a very good job.  We enjoyed some food, music and then I headed to the house for a very busy afternoon. IMG_0536


Great race, weather, and course!!  See ya next yearIMG_0526

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