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Published on: 17-March 2011

Thursday, a much needed day of rest.  Today we were scheduled to have a big meeting, so I made sure that I was 100% prepared and what happened?  You guessed it !  They moved the meeting…..oh well atleast I am prepared for it when it happens.

so since we did not have the meeting it was only fitting I goto the gym.  I ran a 2.5 mile loop then retired to the gym and finished with 3 sets of wide grip pull-ups, 2 sets of Lat Pull Downs & 2 sets of dumbell curls.





On a little lighter note, we had our monthly camera club meeting tonight and it looks like this summer could be a very productive photographic summer.  Lots of new ideas on one of the member has approached me with a money making idea!  More on that later.  Now it’s off to bed since I am going to try and make the 4:20 AM run with some friends.


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