Daily Report (LUNCH)

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Published on: 12-January 2011

Today was apparently a catch-up day.  I had forgot my wind breaker and It was cold and windy out side so that took care of my run.  Since I did not get the oppertunity to work out Monday Evening due to snow / ice I figured that a lunch time POWER work out, pun implied, was in order.

25 – Bar
10 – 135
10 – 155
08 – 185
04 – 205

Upper Chest:
10 – 105 (Bar+25)
10 – 135
00 – 185 COMPLETE FAIL !
08 – 135

Cable Pull-Downs (With the V Handle)
3 Sets 12 Reps Each
Cable Over-Head Pulls (With the Rope)
3 Sets (90,90,100) 10 Reps Each

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