Daily Report (Evening)

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Published on: 12-January 2011

Evening work-out with Ninja – JR
Pull-Ups (90 Sec rest between sets)
For some reason I do not like the feel of the pullup bar that is provided in the gym plus there is no spot to “regular” width pulls so I end up using the frame of the cable cross-over machine.  I like it a lot but it seem s to hurt my  left forearm quite a bit.  Might be a touch of tendonitous though.
09 – Regular Pull-Ups
08 – Reverse Grip (Chin-Ups)
07 – Regular Pull-Ups
06 – Reverse Grip (Chin-Ups)
06 – Regular Pull-Ups
36 – TOTAL Pull-Ups

Lat Pull-downs (Wide Grip)
3 sets (95lbs) 12 Reps

Cable Rows
3 Sets (110, 120, 120) 10 Reps

Bent-Over Single Arm Dumbbell Rows
3 Sets (Per Arm) 10 Reps 65lbs

Machine Preacher Curls
70 – 08 Reps
80 – 08 Reps
90 – 04 Reps

Dumbbell Curls (Seated with Elbow on inside of thigh)
3 sets 10 Reps / Arm (Single Arm L/R) 20 lbs

Standing Curls with Curved Bar
3 Sets 75lbs (Curved Bar + 20 on each side)
10, 06, 10

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