Week 2

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Published on: 12-July 2010

Today I did not get up a 5:am due to “B” having some oral surgery done so I decided to hit the gym up after work to do some strength training.  I was there for all of an hour and just had a crap workout.  Flat bench went good; I’m up 15 pounds on my normal 4 set work out (160 lbs).  Flat bench dumbbell presses were OK, 4 sets of 8 (55 lbs) and finished up with 4 sets of incline dumbbells (45 lbs) however that is as far as I got.  There was another man on the incline press and i could not finish my chest workout which I guess just messed me up.  so I kinda floundered around the gym.  I did a full 3 sets of lat pull-downs (45, 45+25, 45+35) then 1 set of pull-ups.  Left the gym kinda depressed.  However Today’s Insanity workout was Cardio Power & Resistance.  I missed Sat. workout and did not make it up šŸ™

My left foot had developed a problem and from what I have read it seems to be a Plantar Fasciitis injury.  On the plus side, during my recovery from the broke foot my physical therapist taught me how to tape my foot for just this injury !

So after a good taping tonight I journeyed out to my workout.  To my surprise my foot felt GREAT, which was a very good motivator.  I powered through the warm-up and held my own through the 3 round 1work out set.  Then I was burnt but pushed through.

I was absolutely exhausted when done but did not have to break as much as the 1st week.  Improvement was seen.  What a sweaty mess I was !!  Pure Cardio tomorrow, last time I was disappointed in my performance in this work out.  Let’s see if I can “Bring It” in the morning.

Weigh In: 175 lbs after workout.

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